
All the tools you need to succeed.

As an AskMyBoard member, you have all of the tools you need to scale your business, improve your profits and cash flow, and double the value of your business. Below is a partial list of tools available to members of our community.

Exit Planning

Freedom Point Calculator

The Freedom Point is a precise moment in time when selling your business will yield a return that will allow you to achieve financial independence. This means having enough money to afford the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family for the rest of your life.

Exit Timer

Business owners are great at setting goals. But often miss the timing. This Exit Timer can help you forecast into the future when you’ll need to sell your business, and start the process, in order to meet your retirement goals.

Exit Readiness

Called a “PreScore”, this is an Index using 12 simple questions that can prepare you as a business owner for an Exit With No Regrets.

Business Value Assessment

You know the value of your 401K and your home. But do you know the value of what is most likely your most valuable asset, your business?

Scenario Planner

We leverage the Scenario Planning tool to create one or more future scenarios to discuss the potential impact of possible improvements we can make in your business and the impact it will have on the value of your business. This helps us create the roadmap to demonstrate how we could help you prioritize the highest impact areas that could potentially double the value. Once we agree on the path forward, we create the Action Planner that guides our work together. 

Growth Enablement

Vision Plan Builder

Vision Plan Builder allows you to define your strategic framework and articulate your vision and mission, as well as key strategies for helping you get there.

Strategic Growth Planner

The Strategic Growth Planner will help you pinpoint your product and service lines with the highest potential to grow and the least risk associated with investing in them.

Scalability Finder

The Scalability Finder helps you identify your products and services that have the potential to scale up the fastest while minimizing dependence on you personally as the owner.

Market Power Positioning Tool

The Market Power Positioning Planner allows you to isolate the attributes and qualities of your business that give you a defendable market position. This tool illustrates which marketing messages give you the highest degree of differentiation from your competitors and are also most meaningful to customers.

Customer Acquisition Cost Calculator

The Customer Acquisition Cost Calculator will help you understand the health of your business by looking at the relationship between the Life Time Value (LTV) of a customer and your Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC).

Customer Loyalty Index

The Customer Loyalty Index is designed to gather input from your customers proven to be predictive of a company’s growth rate and value. We also calculate your Dependency Score, which measures how dependent your company is on you, the business owner, personally, a key variable in improving the value of your business.

Employee Retention/Engagement Assessment

This Assessment measures both your employee’s loyalty to the company as well as their engagement with the focus on minimizing your company’s dependence on you personally. The most valuable companies can operate without their owner’s everyday involvement, and this will identify areas where additional training, systems, or processes are needed to allow your company to operate without you.

Cash Flow Finder
(Profit Miner™)

Our goal is to help you maximize the cash flow coming from the day-to-day operations of your business. We leverage The Cash Flow Finder, (Profit Miner®) tool to help minimize or eliminate stressful periods of low cash flow, and increase the overall value of your company.